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how to draw 3d letters in illustrator

It's bended straight lines on a airplane. Theoretically it can exist made in 2d - only curve some lines. There seems to exist likewise some faint coloring to create a shadow like in 3D renderings.

An example (nil fine formed, just a coarse and quite sparse ring):

Draw a bunch of every bit spaced horizontal lines, three ellipses and a vertical line in the eye

enter image description here

Divide all in every crossing. Pathfinder panel has button Outline for it. Later on applying "Outline" ungroup and remove everything, simply the splitted horizontal lines.

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Join the lines again. They can be besides a unmarried path. Select all and printing Ctrl+J. A thin Stroke is useful for later steps.

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Select with the direct option tool all nodes which were made by the eye ellipse. Add together to the selection as well those nodes which were fabricated by the vertical line in the uppermost and lowermost node rows. Push all selected nodes upwwards:

enter image description here

In the bottom there was one line missing nodes due poor calculations. Just I inserted them separately and made the needed shorter button.

enter image description here

Next step is to add effect Stylize > Round corners. It makes circular roundings which expect out not-smoothen due steep changes in the curvature. It's fixed by fixing the effect (=Object > Expand Appearance) and applying Object > Path > Simplify:

enter image description here

Add together vertical lines to the right and left to get fillable areas. Fill up them with the Shape Builder. Delete remnants and select practiced fill up and stroke:

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A slight shadow makes the 3D appearance stronger. It tin exist made easily by cartoon a couple of black curves to the wanted shadow areas and blurring the curves. Width tool is used to taper the curves (=half ellipses) to make the shadows end smoothly. Earlier blurring:

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After blurring, reducing the opacity and tweaking the placements:

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The difficulty of having plausible curve bends jump up, if the wanted form is more similar questioner's case. Thin ring forgives much. To make easily something thicker I would employ 3D. Here'south one example. It's a ring once again, but the proportions are more similar in the 8 of questioner's example. The thick band is a revolution surface (actually a solid in CAD terms) of this profile:

enter image description here

The intended revolution axis is the correct edge.

The resulted solid must be united with a big rectangular lesser plate to create the needed horizontal infinite. To make the curves the united solid must be sliced with a bunch of planes. Here'south the solid and the slicing planes:

enter image description here

After making the slicing it's a agglomeration of dissever solids:

enter image description here

Changing the view to "wireframe without hidden lines" gives this:

enter image description here

Unfortunately I accept a limited freeware CAD program. No usable technical 2nd drawings are immune without getting a high cost paid version. Thus proper coloring and loftier resolution rendering are disabled as well every bit exports and imports in common second vector and 3D CAD file formats.

But the wireframe view tin be printed as PDF. Illustrator opens it. In Illustrator, afterward removing numerous clipping masks and groupings, I could fix white stroke color and place a blue rectangle to the background:

enter image description here

Information technology however needs the shading.

One method more. Actually this was suggested by another user at offset, but he got a bad comment and deleted his answer. I tried to reopen information technology, but with no event. Then, it'due south now hither.

Programmer HARDIK LAKHALANI has written a pair of scripts which do the job in Photoshop and Illustrator. Both programs are needed. The scripts are freely available with documentation here full tutorial.

The idea is to create a depth map in Photoshop. To get polish forms like in questioner's case, one can apply gaussian blur. A screenshot of a depth map from the tutorial video:

enter image description here

Running one script in Photoshop makes from the depth map an intermediate file. Running another script in Illustrator reads the intermediate file and makes the wanted line drawing. The shown depth map generated this (another screenshot of the tutorial video):

enter image description here

The process is similar a vectorized version of Scott'south respond on This Question


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